Recommended Tech

Over the course of my program work, I have had the opportunity to work with multiple different technologies.  Here is a list of some of my favorite or most recommended in no particular order.

download –  Cloud-based utilities for connecting, creating, and accessing files from anywhere. It is free and offers a massive amount of storage in one place.



download – Formative assessment/Reviewing tool to engage learners. Can be used in 1:1 use or team use for interactive learning.




download (1).png – Formative assessment/Reviewing tool for instantaneous polling during presentations. Paid version has unlimited uses, but you can get away with the free version if you don’t need the data for long term.



download (2) – User friendly, free screencasting app. No file conversion needed, able to upload to YouTube and other file sharing sites directly.



popplet_mainPopplet – Easy to use concept map creator.  Allows users to work collaboratively or independently.  Can attach videos, pictures, and other media directly to the “popplet”.




7a1d3e55720afa3af48ac896763a44f996fcf329_originalPiktochart – A drag and drop style infogram creator.  The free version gives access to a wide variety of media and resources but does limit how many infograms can be created. Allows users to download and share in file friendly formats.


68bfd9d917e3ebeef6b53c4d5b3c5ffdNational Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCTS) – A database of user created case studies that helps supplement science topics.  The free version gives access to all of the case studies, the paid version will give access to teaching materials and answer keys. A great resource to include real world examples in the science class.




downloadYouTube – Free video database. With channels specific to education topics like Crash Course or Bozeman Science, can bring in multimedia opportunities to further learning.


phet_logo_withcu_interlocking_500PhET Simulations – Free interactive science simulations that helps manipulate science experiments, principles, or ideas that may be too difficult or expensive to create in the classroom.  User submitted guides can be used to help guide students through a simulation.



download (1)Quizlet – Free vocabulary practice app.  Allows users to create, use, or share vocab study stacks for studying.  Lists can be used to make games, tests, or help with pronunciations.


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